Friday, December 16, 2011

Tebow wore a microphone during Chicago Bears game; he reveals the heart of a man sold out to Jesus

By Mark Ellis
Tim Tebow

As Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Bebow led his team to another improbable come-from-behind win against Chicago, not many realized he wore a microphone throughout the game that recorded a rare glimpse of his unusual faith.
Before the start of the game, he knelt on the sidelines in his trademark pose and uttered this prayer: “Lord, put a wall of protection around me and my teammates today. When we go out there let us honor you with everything we do and say. I love you. In Jesus name, amen.”
As he warmed up on the sidelines, Tebow sang: “Our God is an awesome God, He reigns from heaven above, with wisdom…”
Throughout the game, Tebow was heard encouraging his teammates to “keep believing” even as they fell behind for the first three quarters with less than stellar play. Tebow was even heard encouraging players on the opposing team. He told Chicago outside linebacker Lance Briggs, “I’ve been looking forward to playing you for a long time…I love watching you brother.”
In the fourth quarter, as the Broncos set their sights on a comeback, receiver Demaryius Thomas dropped a long pass that could have turned the game around. The ball sailed right through his hands, and after the play, he parked himself on the bench, dejected.
Tebow sat down next to Thomas and said, “Guess what, you’re about to catch the game winner here. It’s no big deal (you dropped the ball). It just makes it closer for a little bit longer. You’re about to catch the game winner and then you’ll be the winner of the game.”
Only a few minutes later Tebow’s encouragement proved prophetic. Thomas caught a ball in the end zone to put Denver within three points.
With two minutes left in the game, Denver failed in their attempt at an onside kick to recover possession.Chicago seemed to be in an unassailable position. But Tebow bowed his head as he sat on the sidelines and uttered this prayer: “Dear Jesus, I need you. Please come through for me. No matter what, win or lose Lord, give me the strength to honor you.”
On the next series, Chicagorunning back Marion Barber inexplicably ran out of bonds, which stopped the clock. Commentators were left shaking their heads at his puzzling error. That gave Tebow and his teammates extra time to stage a last-second, game-tying drive.
Tebow yelled at his team: “We’re going to win this. Let’s go,” as they retook the field. The faith-filled quarterback drove his team down the field to get within field goal range.
After kicker Matt Prater crushed a 59-yard field goal to send the game into overtime, Tebow cried out, “Thank you Lord!”
On Chicago’s first opportunity to score in overtime, Marion Barber fumbled the ball – another tragic mistake. Fans and commentators were again stunned by the dramatic turn for Denver. “The chain of events that have happened in the last few minutes have been unbelievable,” one commentator remarked.
Tebow called his mighty men into a huddle for their last series of downs. “Hey, believe here, all right?” he said. Again, he got his team into field goal range.

Tension filled the stadium as Denver’s kicker approached the ball. Tebow lowered his head in prayer, then looked up as the ball shot off Matt Prater’s foot.
Prater hit the 51-yard field goal to win the game in the final moments. Delirious with joy, Tebow and his teammates embraced. “Way to believe baby! You’ve got to believe every day!” he shouted.

New Documentary 'Captivated' Addresses Media and Technology and the Growing Need for Discernment

MT. CARROLL, Ill., Dec. 16, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- "Everywhere we go, we are surrounded by screens. Have we entered a techno utopia or a virtual prison?" Producer and co-director, Phillip Telfer, asks this and other pertinent questions in the new documentary "Captivated: Finding Freedom in a Media Captive Culture."

Everyone would agree that we live in a media-saturated society, but how many consider the possibility that they have become captives? People of all ages are being held hostage by television, video games, social networks, movies, texting, tweeting, and more. They have become infatuated with the things of the world and distracted from God, from eternity, and from deeper relationships with each other.

This feature-length documentary is not anti-media or anti-technology, but raises concerns about the unchecked enthusiasm regarding media, and highlights the overwhelming evidence of growing problems on multiple fronts. It addresses the potential physical, moral, spiritual, mental, and emotional impact of today's media and technology when consumed or used without discretion. 

This film has an outstanding lineup of interviews featuring Ray Comfort, Bob Waliszewski, Dr. Ted Baehr, Dr. Jeff Myers, Kerby Anderson, Kevin Swanson, Dr. David Walsh, Al Menconi, Dr. Dimitri Christakis, Dick Rolfe, Phil Chalmers, Professor Mark Bauerlein, Maggie Jackson, and more. 

What really makes this movie extraordinary is the personal stories of everyday people who have found freedom from their former bondage to media and technology. Nick, an auto mechanic, shares about his former addiction to NASCAR and NFL. Corey, a young skateboarder, talks about his experience of going on a media fast. Neysa candidly admits her struggle with Farmville on Facebook, and several other stories bring this down to earth for the average viewer. 

This documentary is a production of the non-profit organization Media Talk 101, founded by Phillip Telfer. Phillip wrote, produced, and co-directed the documentary with the help of award winning director, Colin Gunn. 

For more information about "Captivated" or to view the trailer

Media interested in an interview with Phillip Telfer or interested in receiving a screener copy for review can contact Phillip directly at 815-275-1700 or

Christian Bale is a Hero for Trying to Visit Chen Guangcheng

DONGSHIGU VILLAGE, China, Dec. 16, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- "Batman" star Christian Bale traveled nine hours from Beijing to visit blind forced abortion opponent Chen Guangcheng. Bale said, "What I really wanted to do was shake the man's hand and say 'thank you,' and tell him what an inspiration he is." 

Bale never got the chance. He was roughed up and forced away from Chen's village, according to a CNN report

Bale was in Beijing, China for the premier of "The Flowers of War," a drama about the 1937 Rape of Nanjing. About his attempt to visit Chen, Bale stated, "I'm not brave doing this . . . This was just a situation -- I can't look the other way." 

According to Reggie Littlejohn, president of Women's Rights Without Frontiers, "Christian Bale is right that the true heroes are the Chinese citizens who have been beaten and detained trying to visit Chen, and yet Bale is a hero as well. He is starring in the most expensive film ever made in China, which China hopes will win an Academy Award. Nevertheless, he has the courage to stand against official injustice and has greatly raised the visibility of Chen's case."

Littlejohn contrasted Bale's actions with those of Relativity Media. "Christian Bale has used his star power to shine a light on the unjust treatment of Chen Guangcheng. In contrast, Relativity Media filmed '21 and Over' in Linyi, where Chen is languishing under house arrest. They did nothing to help Chen. I hope that moviegoers will demonstrate their concern for Chen Guangcheng at the box office by boycotting '21 and Over.'"

Christian Bale is not the only one who has focused attention on Chen Guangcheng. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and U.S. Ambassador to China Gary Locke have both recently spoken on his behalf. 

The flow of Chinese citizens to visit Chen despite the risk of beatings and detention, and the Chinese and international "Sunglasses" campaigns, have raised the visibility of Chen's case as well. These campaigns can be found here  and here.

Chen Guangcheng exposed the systematic use of forced abortion and sterilization in Linyi City in 2005. For four years and three months, he was jailed, tortured and denied medical treatment. Since his release he has languished under strict house arrest. 

Watch the 3-minute Free Chen video here.  

Sign a petition to free Chen here.

Good News: U.S. Senate Action Averts Shutdown of U.S. Religious Freedom Commission

"With this bipartisan reauthorization, the commission can continue to press for religious freedom around the world." -- Faith J.H. McDonnell, IRD Religious Liberty Program Director

WASHINGTON, Dec. 15, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- Religious liberty advocates are expressing relief following U.S. Senate approval of legislation reauthorizing a key watchdog body.

The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, threatened with shuttering, will continue functioning pending expected approval of the Senate-modified bill in the U.S. House of Representatives. The U.S. House passed its own reauthorization in September.

The independent U.S. government commission was created by the passage of the International Religious Freedom Act in 1998. Threatened when a U.S. senator placed an anonymous hold on legislation reauthorizing the USCIRF, it was set to expire this week.

USCIRF provides a counterpoint to the Religious Freedom Office at the U.S. Department of State. As an independent commission, USCIRF often makes stronger statements to violators of religious persecution around the world.
IRD Religious Liberty Program Director Faith J.H. McDonnell commented:
    "With this bipartisan reauthorization, the commission can continue to press for religious freedom around the world.

    "We urge Americans who care about the persecuted church and other religious believers around the world to never take for granted this important commission.

    "All members of Congress must be told how important this commission and the issue of religious freedom are to Americans so we never again face the threat of seeing the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom 'sunset' due to lack of interest or to competing interests.

    "Once again, the voice of people who care about religious freedom has resulted in a good outcome. Pressure from concerned citizens stopped the anonymous hold and produced cooperation in acknowledging the importance of the greater good of millions of vulnerable believers around the world."

Veteran Entrepreneur's Teach Christians How to Have Success Without Selling Their Soul

NEW YORK, Dec. 15, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- Co-authors C. Thomas Gambrell and Gerald D. Rogers answer an age old question in their new book, "Success on God's Terms" (ISBN: 9780981667508), which is "Can you have success without selling your soul?" According to these authors the answer is a resounding -- YES! In today's marketplace where everyone seems to be obsessed with fame, money and success, these authors demonstrate to readers how to apply the Word of God to achieve work-life balance and good success in the business realm without succumbing to the worldly temptations of self-centeredness, greed and bad success. 

Readers will be empowered to live a fulfilling life and will be shown how to thrive in business by using scriptures from the Bible. The overall premise of the book is found in its subtitle: How to THINK, SPEAK and PERFORM to SEE the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. The authors hope the insights provided in their book will empower Christian men and women to take dominion in the global marketplace while remaining firmly rooted in the Word of God. 

Just released through GRIP Media Publishing, the authors are planning a 12-city book-signing tour in major U.S. markets before heading abroad. The official launch of the "Success on God's Terms" tour will take place on January 14, 2012 at the Hue Man Bookstore in Harlem, NY. This event will also be available for viewing by Christian audiences world-wide via a Facebook Livestream webcast. Those interested in viewing the event online should check out their website at or visit  

"This has been an opportunity of a lifetime and a dream come true to get this message that has been brewing inside of me for the past 12 years into the marketplace through our book. Our prayer is that readers will know how to practically apply the Word of God to their business and life activities outside of walls of their brick-and-mortar church fellowships after reading the book," says C. Thomas Gambrell. Mr. Rogers adds, "This comprehensive guide describes the creation equation for building the business and life style of your dreams. It includes insight into the roles that the principles of submission, prayer, obedience and humility play in the success process that few people understand." 

The two authors are also first cousins who grew up together spending time in Tampa, FL. They both have been extremely successful in their careers and as business partners. They have built network marketing distribution systems globally by leading and training large teams of home-based entrepreneurs.

"Success on God's Terms: How to THINK, SPEAK and PERFORM to SEE the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth" with an endorsement by Ben F. Goldsmith, Jacksonville Ministry City Director - Campus Crusade for Christ, is available online at and through Ingram Book Company distribution channels globally.

About the Authors:
C. Thomas Gambrell - Mr. Gambrell attended Columbia University where he received a B.A. in Computer Science. Recognized as a consummate professional, C. Thomas has gone through his career achieving at the highest levels. From becoming a corporate trainer and global project manager, to top producing marketing & sales professional, to respected entrepreneur, he is a model of the practical information he shares on thought and performance excellence.

Gerald D. Rogers - Mr. Rogers' championship mindset comes from his days as a collegiate athlete. He completed his education at Florida A&M University where he received a B.S. degree in Criminal Justice and Psychology. In addition to his Criminal Justice career, he has served his community as a mortgage consultant and real estate investor and has helped over 300 families secure their dream of home ownership.

Gingrich and Georgia Right to Life Help Bring Personhood 'Mainstream'

ATLANTA, Dec. 15, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Personhood agenda made a "giant leap" forward this week, nationwide and here in Georgia. Personhood USA has proposed a unique pledge which declares a commitment to advance the personhood rights of every human being, born and preborn.

Georgia's own, Newt Gingrich, was among the first to sign. Former Georgia Congressman and U.S. House Speaker Gingrich was named Time magazine's 'Man of the Year' in 1995. A co-author and architect of the "Contract with America", Gingrich is currently a front runner for the Republican nomination for President in 2012.

The Personhood pledge clearly endorses 14th Amendment protection for the unborn and maintains the sanctity of human life, both of which are positions listed in the Republican Party Platform. 

"Georgia Right to Life worked closely with Personhood USA to develop the pledge and I hope it will become the de facto prolife standard nationally as we progress into the 21st Century," said Daniel Becker, President of Georgia Right to Life. "Georgia Right to Life has led the nation by requiring this level of commitment from our politicians for over a decade. It is enheartening to see a national prolife organization return to being a standard bearer and not a king maker," said Becker.

Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, Texas Governor Rick Perry, and former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum have also signed the pledge. Signers align themselves with President Ronald Reagan\'s Personhood Proclamation from January 1988, which declared "the unalienable personhood of every American, from the moment of conception until natural death."

Georgia Right to Life rejoices with Personhood USA in helping to bring Personhood mainstream. 

"The prolife movement must mature to address all the challenges to life presented by our ever-expanding current culture of death," said Dan Becker, President of Georgia Right to Life. Politicians and the American public have begun to grasp the importance of the Personhood Amendment in regulating emerging technologies, such as cloning, destructive stem cell research and human-animal hybrids.

Georgia Right to Life promotes respect and effective legal protection for all human life. Georgia Right to Life has adopted Personhood as the most effective prolife strategy for the 21st century.

CDC's First-Ever National Study on Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Confirms Need for Extreme Makeover

Tomeo responds to disturbing findings and points to the root causes

SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 15, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- Research released yesterday reveals that about 20 percent of women are raped in their lifetime and, in most cases, the attacker is someone the woman knows, according to a new survey on sexual violence from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 

This first ever study by the CDC finds that nearly one in five women has been raped in her lifetime, one in four has experienced serious physical violence from an intimate partner at some point in her life and one in six has been a victim of stalking. Men have been victimized as well: About one in seven reports an intimate partner has been physically violent and one in 19 has been the victim of stalking. More than a fourth of all male rape victims were first abused at age 10 or younger.

"This study is another example of how the culture is impacting women, men and society as a whole," said Teresa Tomeo, bestselling author and syndicated radio host. "It's time that we radically examine the infusion of negative images in TV, in music and other media which corrupt the image of women and the dignity of the human person. It's not enough to be shocked by the results of the latest alarming study. What are we going to do to change the culture for the next generation?"

The information drawing response from various agencies and organizations comes from the ongoing National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey; these 2010 results are from interviews with 9,086 women and 7,421 men. Researchers also discovered that for nearly 70 percent of women who were victims of some type of intimate partner violence - that violence, according to the study, happened for the first time before the age 25. 

The shocking revelations in this study prompted this reaction from Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, "This landmark report paints a clear picture of the devastating impact these violent acts have on the lives of millions of Americans."

Tomeo could not agree more, "As devastating as this study is to see on paper, there is a root problem to the sexual pervasiveness and violence which is rampant in our culture -- a culture which has been desensitized by a toxic saturation of graphic and negative images which freely promote sex and violence which is available 24/7 on TV, radio and the internet. Our families are under siege."

In her new book EXTREME MAKEOVER, available now from Ignatius Press, Tomeo reports on the impact of media on today's culture and talks about ways that women, children and families can make an "extreme media makeover" to rid themselves of the messages and toxic images that bombard them daily, and instead embrace the truth about their human dignity.

Common English Bible Named Among Top Religion Stories of 2011

NASHVILLE, Dec. 15, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- The completion of the new Common English Bible translation is among the top 10 religion stories of 2011 as decided by leading religion journalists in the 30th annual Religion Newswriters Association survey.

The Common English Bible Twitter @CommonEngBible is newsworthy for several reasons:
  • Its objective: the Common English Bible uses a natural English vocabulary to clearly and freshly communicate the ancient sacred text in a world where 9,000 new words & meaning revisions are added yearly to the English lexicon.
  • Its speed: the Common English Bible took only four years to accomplish -- a phenomenal feat when compared with other recent modern English Bible translations that took 10-17 years to complete.
  • Its efficiency: the Common English Bible was able to be completed so rapidly due to the translation process using an online project management database that permitted more than 200 collaborators (translators, editors, and field testers) to communicate immediately. The project was constructed in a workflow matrix with more than 400 overlapping parts.
  • Its breadth: the Common English Bible is a collaboration of 120 academic scholars and editors, 77 reading group leaders, and more than 500 average readers from around the world who joined together to clearly translate the Bible's original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek languages directly into 21st century English.
  • Its balance: the Common English Bible translators -- from 24 denominations in American, African, Asian, European, and Latino communities -- represent such academic institutions as Asbury Theological Seminary, Azusa Pacific University, Bethel Seminary, Denver Seminary, Princeton Theological Seminary, Seattle Pacific University, Wheaton College, Yale University, and many others.
  • Its understandability: The Common English Bible is written in contemporary idiom at the same reading level as the newspaper USA TODAY -- using language that's comfortable and accessible for today's English readers.
  • Its uniqueness: the Common English Bible is the only translation to combine highly respected ecumenical biblical scholarship necessary for serious study with field-tested responsiveness to 21st century clear communication requirements for comprehensive clarity.
  • Its contractions: the Common English Bible is the only translation to extensively use contractions where the text warrants an engaging conversational style (although contractions are not used in divine or poetic discourse).
  • Its cartography: the Common English Bible is the only translation that includes exclusive, detailed color maps from National Geographic, well known for its accurate topographical map making.
  • Its acceptance: the complete Bible, including an edition with the Apocrypha, released in August 2011. More than half-a-million copies of the Bible are already in print. It's also available online and in 20 digital formats. A reference Bible edition and a daily companion devotional edition are now also available.
More than 140 international bloggers are currently participating in the three-month long "Thank You-Come Again-I Promise" blog tour (from November 2011 through January 2012). The complete tour schedule, and information about joining the tour, is available

Visit to see comparison translations, learn about the translators, get free downloads, and more.

The Common English Bible is sponsored by the Common English Bible Committee, an alliance of five publishers that serve the general market, as well as the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) (Chalice Press), Presbyterian Church (USA) (Westminster John Knox Press), Episcopal Church (Church Publishing, Inc.), United Church of Christ (The Pilgrim Press), and The United Methodist Church (Abingdon Press).

Knights of Columbus Lead Charge to Keep Christ in Christmas

PSAs, billboards and Nativity scenes among elements of nationwide campaign

NEW HAVEN, Conn., Dec. 15, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- Millions of people in North America will be reminded to "Keep Christ in Christmas" thanks to the efforts of the Knights of Columbus. The campaign includes public service announcements that will be aired in the United States during the Christmas season, as well as a variety of local programs in support of the campaign that include signs, billboards, Nativity scenes and Christmas cards. 

Radio spots encouraging people to "Keep Christ in Christmas" in various ways -- including by helping the less fortunate -- will be aired in English and Spanish. In addition, a television PSA has been sent to networks and hundreds of local broadcast stations and cable systems. 

Originally organized by the Christian Mothers of Milwaukee, later know as Council of Catholic Women, in Milwaukee, Wis., the effort was originally known as "Put Christ Back into Christmas." Following that effort, the Knights of Columbus adopted the "Keep Christ in Christmas" program in the early 1960s, and have been actively promoting it since.

The Knights has been producing "Keep Christ in Christmas" PSAs since the 1980s. The radio and TV spots can be accessed  

Last year, the Knights of Columbus Christmas PSAs reached more than 38 million television viewers and 34 million radio listeners. Billboards and signs with the same message have also been put up around the country by local Knights of Columbus councils, and many local councils also sponsor nativity displays or sell religiously themed Christmas cards. 

"In a society where Christmas has often become shorthand for shopping, many who celebrate Christmas can lose sight of it true meaning. Those who celebrate Christmas give gifts to each other because it is the day on which we celebrate the greatest gift: God's gift of his son to the world," said Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson. "Christmas is about 'peace on earth toward people of good will' and we think that's a message worth remembering."

This month, the Knights kicked off the Christmas season as councils nationwide -- including the Supreme Council in New Haven -- took part in the organization's Christmas tree lighting ceremonies. Councils are encouraged to hold a Christmas tree or nativity scene lighting ceremony on the first Tuesday of December to commemorate Christ's birth. The Supreme Council also erected a nativity scene on the Green in New Haven, Conn., near the organization's headquarters, and is organizing a "Posada" (Christmas procession) on the Green Tuesday, Dec. 20.

The Knights of Columbus is the world's largest Catholic fraternal organization with more than 1.8 million members worldwide. One of the nation's most active charities, last year, Knights donated nearly $155 million and 70 million hours to charitable causes around the world.

In 1995, the Knights of Columbus secured the right to display a crèche on the Trumbull, Conn. after a successful appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court. The organization's success before the nation's highest court helped ensure that Nativity scenes would continue to have a place in our public life.

Malawi's failing economy both hurts and helps CURE hospital

Enock needs surgery to remove
 extra fingers, a problem that will
 turn into stigma if gone untreated.
 Help Enock and other kids at the
 CURE Web site

Malawi (MNN) ― While Greece has been in the forefront of the economic world in recent weeks, Malawi's economy has been silently spiraling out of control.

Over the last number of months, the small, central African nation of Malawi has gone from bad to worse economically.

Previously on Mission Network News, we informed readers about the significant foreign exchange issues Malawi has been facing, not to mention its severe fuel and food shortages.

The problems have all gotten worse. And CURE International is in the thick of it.

One major problem for the people as well as the hospital is the increasing shortage of fuel. The hospital needs fuel for ambulances and other necessities, but it's exceedingly hard to come by.

"I've had to contract for nearly half a million U.S. dollars worth of fuel in order to secure [CURE] a very modest 2,000 liters [528 gallons] a month," notes the CURE Malawi's executive director Stuart Palmer.

The value of the Malawian currency, the kwacha, has also caused problems. "The Malawi kwacha is officially held at 166 Malawi kwacha to one U.S. dollar inside the country. But across the border, it trades at 230-240 Malawi kwacha to one dollar," explains Palmer. "So that's about 38-40% overvalued in the country."

Meanwhile, food shortages are worsening. Palmer notes that one feeding program has increased its enrollment by 90% for children under five over the last few months.

Power outages are increasing. Even for those lucky enough to have a generator, fuel is nowhere in sight to power the generators.

To put the proverbial icing on the cake, in late November, Malawi implemented a Zero Deficit Budget, reports All Africa. Essentially, instead of receiving the usual 40% of its annual budget from donors, the government will cover this amount by sourcing funds from elsewhere--namely through the introduction of exorbitant taxes on products.

From fuel shortages to budget crises, the situation is unarguably sticky. It's not hopeless, but with so many problems, Palmer says it's hard to know what to attack first. "As a country, it's difficult to see what could be done apart from a large devaluation of the currency, which would be quite painful."

CURE has suffered directly from all of these trials. Nonetheless, the hospital continues to be a beacon of light in an ever darkening place.

"I think many times we forget, as Christians, that how we walk through times of challenge can be our greatest testimony," Palmer observes.

Eyes have certainly been on CURE. Despite the extreme difficulties in what is already one of the world's poorest nations, in-country giving to CURE's efforts to provide free surgeries for disabled children has actually increased as people recognize the importance of what CURE is doing. Hearts are softening more in Malawi, already named "The Warm Heart of Africa" for its friendliness. Palmer says that softening is moving people toward the Gospel as well.

Besides performing surgeries, says Palmer, "We also share the Gospel with all the children and the guardians that come through, and that really is a very life-changing experience for many of them. They've never come across what I would call a true, balanced, Christian, Gospel message before."

This extremely trying economic season for Malawi coincides with a joyful time of giving for Christians--Christmas. CURE already helps the poorest of the poor, but those people are now getting even poorer. This holiday season, you can help CURE give one of these children the chance to walk on earth, and also to walk one day in heaven. Partner with CURE by supporting just one of these children in prayer, or by helping to pay for a surgery.

Water gives spiritual and physical life in Uganda

Uganda (MNN) ― Calm in Uganda is providing Christians the opportunity to reach out with physical and spiritual help in a country decimated by violence. Home to the Lord's Resistance Army, which is now being hunted down by the United Nations, Uganda's peace is providing opportunities for God to work in the hearts of the Ugandan people.

Lifewater International is a part of that physical and spiritual healing. They're helping nationals provide clean safe drinking water, says the ministry's Africa programs officer Julie Smith. "The people on the ground who live there know it best. They know who they're serving. They know who they're working with and how to make these projects most sustainable."

Because Lifewater is a Christian based ministry, "We make sure that all of the partners we work with are somehow Christian-based, whether that be Christian companies, Christian businesses, or churches themselves, and sharing the Gospel is all that we do," says Smith.

Dickson Odyek with Divine Waters Uganda is their partner on the ground in the north. He says peace reigns in Uganda.

"Everything is good, and people are just getting a good life now. We are not so much fearful of anything. We no longer even hear the gun shots or even seeing military men with guns."

Lifewater is providing the funding Divine Waters Uganda needs "to drill wells in the communities, to preach the Good News to the community. They are also training people who can go out and train the villages where we have put the wells."

Since Divine Waters started the program, they have drilled 437 wells. Odyek says that means 437 villages have heard the Gospel. "Every time we go to the villages, people come around us to see what we are doing, and we preach the Gospel to them. The machine we are using attracts them to come, and then we stop and preach. After that, we also show the JESUS Film."

While people are coming to Christ, Odyek says it doesn't end there. "We normally organize with the local churches around there, and then we [send them to the churches for discipleship].

These new wells are giving new opportunities to children in these villages. Because it took hours to fetch water, many children were forced to drop out of school in order to get water for their families. Now, they're free to stay in school. The clean water is also preventing diseases, allowing families to spend money on the essentials of life.

Lifewater International works primarily in Ethiopia, Cambodia, Uganda, Kenya and Laos. If you'd like to support their work which is providing both physical water and living water, click here.

Good news from the flood front in Pakistan

Pakistan (MNN) ― Flooding in Pakistan affected over 5.4 million people in the early autumn of 2011. The rain may have died down a while ago, but recovery is far from over.

Operation Mobilization has had teams working hard in Pakistan for years. They responded to the generous flooding in 2010 and have been responding to this year's crisis as well. Despite the extremely hard work that goes into the relief, the OM teams have been making significant progress.

The absence of rain has helped in numerous ways. Due to houses collapsing and flooded land, people were moved, many to live temporarily by the roadside in makeshift shelters. But OM reports that now 60% of the people have returned home to prepare their lands for crops where the water has gone down, and to attempt to rebuild their houses.

The fact that homes are no longer empty has no doubt made work easier for OM teams, which have been entering villages to help with numerous small projects.

The work OM teams are doing is widespread. An opening ceremony was recently held to celebrate the successful installation of a hand pump at a school. On a slightly smaller but still important scale, team members were also able to distribute "jompy" water boilers this week, which will help kill unhealthy germs and also save fuel for villagers boiling water.

The teams have already distributed food, mosquito nets, and medicine for animals. Now they are holding six medical camps in different locations. 368 people have received checkups, and basic medicine has been provided in three different locations so far. The aim is for these camps to help particularly poor people to recover. Winter distribution of essentials like blankets is planned as the weather gets colder. Rebuilding work on damaged houses is set to begin in January.

Throughout their work, OM has been able to visit many different tribes, particularly Hindus. Watching the teams' care through relief activities has made individuals increasingly more open to listen to the Gospel, OM reports.

Work is far from over in Pakistan recovery efforts, but the Lord is using OM every step of the way. To learn more about OM Pakistan, click here.

Ministry brings on new leadership in Latvia

Latvia (ORO) ― The Day Center in Karosta, Latvia, began as a pastor's dream long before its official opening in 2007. Sergey Garkusa, pastor of Russian Baptist Church "Light of the Gospel," invited children from the church to come during the week for instruction, activities, and one warm meal.

"We started with two teachers and about 15-20 kids from Karosta, or "Naval Port" as we call it," said Dace Rence, new Orphan Outreach director of programs in Latvia.

"Right now we are in a process of moving into a separate building given to us for rent by the local municipality. In the new building we will be able to separate children into smaller groups by ages and languages (we have a Russian and a Latvian group of kids)."

Currently about 50 children come to the Day Center, where they receive one hot meal--which is often the only one they eat each day--as well as educational activities, games, mentoring, and a chance to hear the Gospel.

When Orphan Outreach President Mike Douris heard that the Day Center might close because of financial problems, he decided to act. He had been instrumental in establishing an after-school program some years ago in Leiapia, Latvia, where he met and developed a deep admiration for Sergey Garkusa.

"The children in this community are at significant risk, and Sergey has a clear call from the Lord to minister to the children," Douris said. "Our hope is to be a blessing to this ministry and to walk alongside the church to meet the basic needs of the children, as well as assist in their education to provide hope for their future. The church provides spiritual guidance and discipleship so critical to their development. The staff members love the children unconditionally and help them face difficult challenges on a daily basis. Dace is a committed Christian and so passionate about orphan care. The kids love her, and she has such a heart for them."

It costs about $36 a month to give one child all that the Latvia Day Center offers. Twenty children have already been sponsored, and Orphan Outreach is urgently seeking more sponsors to care for the remaining 30 children.

"The staff are prepared to work long hours during the winter," Amy Norton, director of programs, said. "Many of the children end up [at the Latvia Day Center] for large parts of the day because it is so cold outside. We are so thankful that, due to a generous donor, we are able to provide a Christmas party and gifts to all the children and staff."

"The thing I remember most about that mission trip is the laughter of the children in that little room. Their home life was often abusive, hunger was constant, and parents with drug and/or alcohol problems all contributed to their unstable environment. But for these few hours each day they could eat, feel safe, laugh and play. Thirty members of the mission trip left in tears, but we knew Pastor Sergey and his workers cared for the children the best they could," said Joelene Key about her first trip to the Latvia Day Center.

An active member of First Baptist Church in Plano, Texas, Joelene has since rallied her Sunday School Class to support the Latvia Day Center with a monthly contribution for the past four years.

"I have been blessed in so many ways from my Latvian trips," Joelene said, "but a really wonderful blessing is seeing the ladies in my Sunday School Class get involved in missions. At my age, I can now help the Center better by staying home and helping the younger people go and serve Him." (Her 18-year-old granddaughter now is following in her footsteps, regularly traveling to Latvia).

Dace, a 31-year-old wife and mother, welcomes more people such as Joelene to come to the Latvia Day Center. Born and raised in Jelgava, Latvia, Dace graduated from Concordia International University Estonia with a Bachelor of Arts in media and public relations. She is a member of a non-denominational church in Jurmala, Latvia.

"Above all," she said of orphan care, "this is a spiritual battle for their souls and eternity. With God's help and strength we are trying to show the children a different path of life that they can take, radically different to the ones their parents and grandparents have taken-a life without abuse, drugs, and alcohol, but filled with hope, peace, and love."