Friday, December 16, 2011

Good news from the flood front in Pakistan

Pakistan (MNN) ― Flooding in Pakistan affected over 5.4 million people in the early autumn of 2011. The rain may have died down a while ago, but recovery is far from over.

Operation Mobilization has had teams working hard in Pakistan for years. They responded to the generous flooding in 2010 and have been responding to this year's crisis as well. Despite the extremely hard work that goes into the relief, the OM teams have been making significant progress.

The absence of rain has helped in numerous ways. Due to houses collapsing and flooded land, people were moved, many to live temporarily by the roadside in makeshift shelters. But OM reports that now 60% of the people have returned home to prepare their lands for crops where the water has gone down, and to attempt to rebuild their houses.

The fact that homes are no longer empty has no doubt made work easier for OM teams, which have been entering villages to help with numerous small projects.

The work OM teams are doing is widespread. An opening ceremony was recently held to celebrate the successful installation of a hand pump at a school. On a slightly smaller but still important scale, team members were also able to distribute "jompy" water boilers this week, which will help kill unhealthy germs and also save fuel for villagers boiling water.

The teams have already distributed food, mosquito nets, and medicine for animals. Now they are holding six medical camps in different locations. 368 people have received checkups, and basic medicine has been provided in three different locations so far. The aim is for these camps to help particularly poor people to recover. Winter distribution of essentials like blankets is planned as the weather gets colder. Rebuilding work on damaged houses is set to begin in January.

Throughout their work, OM has been able to visit many different tribes, particularly Hindus. Watching the teams' care through relief activities has made individuals increasingly more open to listen to the Gospel, OM reports.

Work is far from over in Pakistan recovery efforts, but the Lord is using OM every step of the way. To learn more about OM Pakistan, click here.

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