Friday, December 16, 2011

CDC's First-Ever National Study on Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Confirms Need for Extreme Makeover

Tomeo responds to disturbing findings and points to the root causes

SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 15, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- Research released yesterday reveals that about 20 percent of women are raped in their lifetime and, in most cases, the attacker is someone the woman knows, according to a new survey on sexual violence from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 

This first ever study by the CDC finds that nearly one in five women has been raped in her lifetime, one in four has experienced serious physical violence from an intimate partner at some point in her life and one in six has been a victim of stalking. Men have been victimized as well: About one in seven reports an intimate partner has been physically violent and one in 19 has been the victim of stalking. More than a fourth of all male rape victims were first abused at age 10 or younger.

"This study is another example of how the culture is impacting women, men and society as a whole," said Teresa Tomeo, bestselling author and syndicated radio host. "It's time that we radically examine the infusion of negative images in TV, in music and other media which corrupt the image of women and the dignity of the human person. It's not enough to be shocked by the results of the latest alarming study. What are we going to do to change the culture for the next generation?"

The information drawing response from various agencies and organizations comes from the ongoing National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey; these 2010 results are from interviews with 9,086 women and 7,421 men. Researchers also discovered that for nearly 70 percent of women who were victims of some type of intimate partner violence - that violence, according to the study, happened for the first time before the age 25. 

The shocking revelations in this study prompted this reaction from Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, "This landmark report paints a clear picture of the devastating impact these violent acts have on the lives of millions of Americans."

Tomeo could not agree more, "As devastating as this study is to see on paper, there is a root problem to the sexual pervasiveness and violence which is rampant in our culture -- a culture which has been desensitized by a toxic saturation of graphic and negative images which freely promote sex and violence which is available 24/7 on TV, radio and the internet. Our families are under siege."

In her new book EXTREME MAKEOVER, available now from Ignatius Press, Tomeo reports on the impact of media on today's culture and talks about ways that women, children and families can make an "extreme media makeover" to rid themselves of the messages and toxic images that bombard them daily, and instead embrace the truth about their human dignity.

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