Friday, December 16, 2011

Veteran Entrepreneur's Teach Christians How to Have Success Without Selling Their Soul

NEW YORK, Dec. 15, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- Co-authors C. Thomas Gambrell and Gerald D. Rogers answer an age old question in their new book, "Success on God's Terms" (ISBN: 9780981667508), which is "Can you have success without selling your soul?" According to these authors the answer is a resounding -- YES! In today's marketplace where everyone seems to be obsessed with fame, money and success, these authors demonstrate to readers how to apply the Word of God to achieve work-life balance and good success in the business realm without succumbing to the worldly temptations of self-centeredness, greed and bad success. 

Readers will be empowered to live a fulfilling life and will be shown how to thrive in business by using scriptures from the Bible. The overall premise of the book is found in its subtitle: How to THINK, SPEAK and PERFORM to SEE the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. The authors hope the insights provided in their book will empower Christian men and women to take dominion in the global marketplace while remaining firmly rooted in the Word of God. 

Just released through GRIP Media Publishing, the authors are planning a 12-city book-signing tour in major U.S. markets before heading abroad. The official launch of the "Success on God's Terms" tour will take place on January 14, 2012 at the Hue Man Bookstore in Harlem, NY. This event will also be available for viewing by Christian audiences world-wide via a Facebook Livestream webcast. Those interested in viewing the event online should check out their website at or visit  

"This has been an opportunity of a lifetime and a dream come true to get this message that has been brewing inside of me for the past 12 years into the marketplace through our book. Our prayer is that readers will know how to practically apply the Word of God to their business and life activities outside of walls of their brick-and-mortar church fellowships after reading the book," says C. Thomas Gambrell. Mr. Rogers adds, "This comprehensive guide describes the creation equation for building the business and life style of your dreams. It includes insight into the roles that the principles of submission, prayer, obedience and humility play in the success process that few people understand." 

The two authors are also first cousins who grew up together spending time in Tampa, FL. They both have been extremely successful in their careers and as business partners. They have built network marketing distribution systems globally by leading and training large teams of home-based entrepreneurs.

"Success on God's Terms: How to THINK, SPEAK and PERFORM to SEE the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth" with an endorsement by Ben F. Goldsmith, Jacksonville Ministry City Director - Campus Crusade for Christ, is available online at and through Ingram Book Company distribution channels globally.

About the Authors:
C. Thomas Gambrell - Mr. Gambrell attended Columbia University where he received a B.A. in Computer Science. Recognized as a consummate professional, C. Thomas has gone through his career achieving at the highest levels. From becoming a corporate trainer and global project manager, to top producing marketing & sales professional, to respected entrepreneur, he is a model of the practical information he shares on thought and performance excellence.

Gerald D. Rogers - Mr. Rogers' championship mindset comes from his days as a collegiate athlete. He completed his education at Florida A&M University where he received a B.S. degree in Criminal Justice and Psychology. In addition to his Criminal Justice career, he has served his community as a mortgage consultant and real estate investor and has helped over 300 families secure their dream of home ownership.

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