Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Questions for Archdiocese of Boston Official Appearing with Rep. Barney Frank - Christian Newswire

Questions for Archdiocese of Boston Official Appearing with Rep. Barney Frank - Christian Newswire: "WASHINGTON, Jan. 3, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- Catholic Advocate Vice President Matt Smith today issued the following statement regarding the panel discussion "Truth, Lies and Politics" being held this evening, Jan. 3, in Newton, Massachusetts at the Leventhal-Sidman Jewish Community Center. The event has been promoted in the Boston Globe as "Truth, Lies and Politics, a panel discussion featuring [Congressman Barney] Frank, journalist Robert Kuttner, and Father J. Bryan Hehir [Archdiocese of Boston Secretary for Health Care and Social Services]. Author Leonard Fein moderates the program exploring the relationship (or lack thereof) between politicians and truth-telling.""

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