Thursday, January 5, 2012

Churches Fight the Global Water Crisis by Hosting Water Sunday

CHARLESTON, S.C., Jan. 5, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- For the time it takes you to read this release, three children will die from water-borne illnesses. Three children for every minute of every day. That number is amplified by the dire statistic that 884 million lack access to safe water. This is the global water crisis.

Water Missions International is inviting churches to take a stand against this devastating epidemic by hosting a "Water Sunday" event at their church in March 2012, which is the same month as World Water Day on March 22nd. Water Sunday is an initiative by Water Missions International dedicated to educating churches about the global water crisis. It is the start of a conversation that ties a church community to communities around the world who lack access to safe drinking water. 

"Your church can make a lasting impact in a community that does not have safe water -- both physically and spiritually. The doors are open to share the Gospel as well as equip a pastor with a valuable tool for ministry" says Kevin Herr, Church Engagement Coordinator. "The beauty of Water Sunday is that -- not only are we transforming lives in developing countries, but as people look outside of themselves , the Holy Spirit does a transformational work in their hearts as well. We call it 'lighting fires with water'." 

Water Missions International has compiled all of the necessary collateral materials -- Sermon Notes, Small Group Guide, Promotional Video, and Kid's Activities -- to ensure that it is a fun and life-changing event! Through the efforts of churches across the country, the goal of this initiative is to provide access to safe water to more than 25,000 people.

Churches are invited to host this important day to impact lives both in the pew and around the word. To learn more,

Water Missions International is an engineering relief and development Christian nonprofit. Its engineers, staff and volunteers design and provide sustainable, safe water solutions to disaster victims worldwide and people in 49 developing countries. Since 2001, Water Missions International has responded to the world's largest natural disasters and daily tackles the world's single biggest cause of illness -- lack of safe water and adequate sanitation (U.N. Report, 2005) by providing safe water to more than two million people. Charleston, S.C.-based Water Missions International has received Charity Navigator's top rating five years in a row. To help, visit

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