Thursday, December 29, 2011

OM expands opportunities with permanent building in Australia

Australia (MNN) ― Operation Mobilization's best Christmas gift this holiday season came in the form of windows and doors.

Earlier this month, OM Australia (OMA) settled on their first-ever permanent base after renting for over 20 years. The team celebrated the buy as OMA National Director, Jonathan Rodwell, met the owner outside the building, located in Blackburn North in the suburbs of Melbourne, for a ceremonial exchange of the check and keys. The OMA team took photos, rejoiced in God's provision, and committed the building to the Lord.

Shortly after, a faithful man who had served on the ships for many years called Jonathan to say, "I've got $12,500 in the bank, and I reckon I only need about $2,500 to live on, so why don't I send you $10,000? If I need it later, you can give it back to me."

The new building is off to a good start, but its worth will go much further than finances. OMA anticipates that the building will be used to send more into the mission field, to raise more funds, and to bring greater awareness of global needs than ever before.

Through it all, OMA hopes to see an increase in effective ministry for God's kingdom.

Just a few needs are left. OMA now pray for God to provide a tenant to rent the majority of the building, as the existing tenant leaves at the end of the year. The board and staff are grateful to God and to all those who have partnered with them over the past several months, both financially and in prayer.

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