Thursday, December 29, 2011

New Year will 'flood' in

Flooding in Colombia has damaged
 thousands of homes (Photo courtesy
 of Nick Violi)

Colombia (MNN) ― The New Year will start out soggy for those living in Colombia. Intense flooding has been ongoing since the start of the rainy season in September, and it’s not looking to stop any time soon.

According to AlertNet, Colombian authorities say this is one of the worst rainy seasons Colombia has experienced in decades. Nearly 170 people are dead and 38 missing due to heavy floods and landslides.

On top of that, the lives of 800,000 Colombians have been affected at least in some way, and around 135,000 homes have been damaged.

Compassion International recently announced that this flooding damaged the homes of more than 50 Compassion-supported children. Additional Compassion families have been affected in other various ways.

The influence of La Nina’s unusually warm climate conditions doesn’t help the situation. Because of this, flooding is predicted to continue on into the first few weeks of 2012, according to official meteorological service forecasts.

Home flood damage is disastrous to a family as it not only displaces them, but it also destroys their belongings, clothing, and school supplies. These things are vital to the children who already need support through Compassion’s ministry. Flooding has grown the need, but Compassion is stepping it up.

Over the course of this past rainy season, Compassion has provided shelter for displaced families in their child development centers of churches. Their in-country staff also works to come alongside flood victims in Compassion’s intervention for Disaster Relief and Stability.

This method of intervention practiced by Compassion provides immediate relief as well as spiritual help and counseling.

They understand that it is equally important to heal the body as well as meet the soul’s needs. Incorporating the Gospel into every outreach and following Christ’s commands to help the downcast is what Compassion is all about.

Please pray for Compassion’s ministry as they aid families of children affected by the flooding. Pray for safety of Colombians throughout the rest of the rainy season. To get involved in supporting Compassion’s ministry, click here.

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