Friday, December 30, 2011

Countdown for 865 film translations

"JESUS" film being shown.
 (Photo courtesy of JFP)

International (MNN) ― What if you knew that for every $3 you gave to a ministry, one person received eternal salvation through faith in Jesus Christ?

If you skipped a $4 trip to Starbucks three times, and instead gave the $12 you saved to such a ministry, four people would come to know Christ as their Savior.

Would you be amazed to know that The JESUS Film Projecthas that return rate? Their ministry was listed second this year inReturn On Investment Ministry’s Top 10, a ranking of evangelistic organizations with eternal impact per donor dollar.

Since JESUS Film Project’s founding in 1979, 200 million people have come to know Christ as a direct result of their outreach showing the “JESUS” film in 1,120 different languages.

It’s no surprise that Pastor Rick Warren, author of "The Purpose Driven Life," says, “The ‘JESUS’ film is the most effective evangelistic tool ever invented.”

Now, with 2012 coming upon us, JESUS Film Project is looking at what they do to get such a powerful tool as the “JESUS” film into the hands of more unreached people.

Mission 865 outlines the goal of JESUS Film Project to reach the 865 languages left in the world without a translation of the “JESUS” film. Those 865 languages represent 290 million unreached people.

Over the course of next year, this ministry plans on either beginning or finishing translation of the “JESUS” film into 65 of those languages.

JESUS Film Project is also working on a translation method that will let partners make “single voice translations” of “JESUS” on their own. This new method will help them pick up the pace.

As always, funding is a major factor that can stand in the way of a translation more than anything else. It costs $38,000 to produce one lip-sync translation of “JESUS.” Getting involved in this ministry through donation, you can be confident that you are truly having eternal impact. To support The JESUS Film Project, click here.

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