Special to ASSIST News Service
ESCONDIDO, CA (ANS) -- You probably won’t become a world renowned scientist in 12 months. It’s unlikely that you will become a world-class athlete in 365 days, New Year’s resolutions notwithstanding. In one short year, however, you can become a World Christian, doing more than most believers will in their lifetimes to help fulfill the great commission. Maybe even become like a super-hero (see below). What is a World Christian? Someone who takes prayerful, thoughtful action for Christ that has impact across the globe.
Many calendars come out this time of year. Word a Day Calendar. Far Side Calendar. Reading the Bible in a Year Calendar. Cut this one out for 2012, and consider incorporating the actions into your busy life.
January: Enroll in Perspectives on the World Christian Movement. This premier missions training course is led by a team of entertaining, experienced teachers. Classes start this month somewhere near you. Warning: It may change your life. If you’ve already graduated, then give back by volunteering to help with a class by registering or grading papers. www.perspectives.org
February: Remember your persecuted brothers and sisters. “If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.” 1 Cor. 12:26 (Even Batman is doing it. Just this month, actor Christian Bale was roughed up in China when he attempted to see Chen Guangcheng, Chen and his wife have been beaten nearly to death and placed under house arrest for opposing the practice of forced abortion.) Sign up for Voice of the Martyrs newsletter and send a free copy of Tortured for Christ to a friend. www.persecution.com
March: Explore an evangelistic short-term mission trip. Find out what God can do in a week.www.e3partners.org.
April: Tax bill too high this year? Smile next year by sending an extra gift to missions this year.
May: Spring cleaning. Stuff you don’t need? Hold a garage sale or sell it online. Send the proceeds to missions. Your trash is someone’s treasure and that treasure can be laid up in heaven.
June: Remember the children. Bake cookies or tell stories for a Vacation Bible School reaching out to a different ethnic group. See what your church is doing or check out Child Evangelism Fellowship.www.cefonline.com
July: Pray. Ask God what else you can do to fulfill the Great Commission.
August: Read a great missionary biography for your summer reading. Get one for your children, too, from your church library. This writer still remembers presenting a book report on missionary biography Man Eaters – Don’t Laugh! Wonder what the secular teacher thought about that?
September: Cook a meal for international students in your community. Because of your local universities, God is bringing a world who needs Him to your front door!
October: Order materials for the International Day of Prayer for the persecuted church. “Remember those in prisons as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.” Hebrews 13:3 Offer to help your church plan something. www.idop.org
November: Prepare a shoebox of needed items and give to children across the globe through Samaritan’s Purse. www.samaritanspurse.org
December: Buy some of your Christmas gifts from a microcredit enterprise.http://beauty4life.weebly.com/
On December 31, 2012, when you look back on your year, will you have become a World Christian and furthered the gospel around the earth? If that is your prayer, then may God’s grace give you that faith, passion, discipline and courage.
* Adapted from Bill Smith’s January 2012 missions column in Good News, Etc., San Diego’s Christian Monthly
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Bill Smith writes on missions for Good News, Etc… He and his wife Wanda live in Escondido, California and attend Emmanuel Faith Community Church. A graduate of Auburn University and The Master’s Program, he loves to encourage all who are serving the Lord.
** You may republish this story with proper attribution.
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