Thursday, January 5, 2012

Orphan Outreach urgently needs interns

India (MNN) ― Just ten days away from the application deadline, Orphan Outreach urgently needs six interns to spend July in India.

If you feel like you're experiencing déjà-vu, it's because this very internship has been featured at Mission Network News before--and pretty recently. But since word has been out about the Orphan Outreach trips, all the slots for positions in Russia have filled up while the six for India have gone completely untouched.

"This is one of our most stable programs, but it's one that a lot of people have a little fear about," says Tiffany Taylor with Orphan Outreach. "We hear about people going to Russia all the time, but India is a place that people aren't as comfortable imagining going to. I would just ask those people that are being nudged by God to consider India that they'd be open to that. The people that go to India are just blown away by what God is doing in the lives of the people there."

The six college students or young professionals that end up in India will get to have a significant, relational impact on the lives of kids in the nation. "They would literally be with the children every day, working with these children, building relationships, sharing the love of the Lord," says Taylor.

All this effort is poured into some of the neediest kids. "One of the reasons many of them are orphans is because AIDS has affected their families and themselves. So truly it's on the frontline of getting the Gospel to people in desperate need."

As a bonus for interns, adds Taylor, "They will also learn a lot about the culture of India and be exposed to the people and Christians in India."

Interns will be helping the staff of Orphan Outreach in India and bringing the Good News to children as they serve, but they will also be taking away invaluable experience. This internship has changed the life course of some past interns and has transformed the way others interact on a daily basis.

You won't get the experience if you don't sign up, though, and the deadline for application is fast approaching.

"Our deadline for internship applications is January 15, so we just urge people to go online. You can read a lot more information about the trips, about past students who have been, about the opportunity to go and serve in India."

Internships last from June 30 to July 22 in 2012, and cost about $2,400 without airfare. Orphan Outreach will help you raise support.Learn more about all the logistics when you head to 

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