Friday, January 6, 2012

Happy New Year demands a new approach

By Bill Ellis
Special to ASSIST News Service

SCOTT DEPOT, WV (ANS) -- We have been presented a clean page, an opportunity for a new beginning, another year -- a year of making important decisions. Every decision must be made carefully, thoughtfully and wisely.

Have you already made decisions about your New Year’s resolutions? Still keeping them? You can start over and keep them from now on.

Many believe this year is very important for our nation. We will make decisions about some of the following issues.

1. What will we do about our ever-increasing national debt?

2. Do we keep our military and national defense strong?

3. Many small business operators complain about the shackles of government regulations.
4. County, state and national elections need to be faced seriously and intelligently. The time of electing unqualified candidates and inferior people to office must end.

5. Our financial management of government, on every level, needs to be corrected and turned around.

6. Getting serious about public education in all grades including college. We cannot educate people who do not want to learn. It is not necessary to have a college degree to mow lawns and sweep floors. A degree should indicate some measure of qualification for employment.

7. We need to care for each other where we live.

8. We must drop the idea that we are all entitled to what others have as the result of their study, hard work, dedication and sacrifice. The Bible does say, “If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat” (2 Thessalonians 3:10).

9. The laws of the land are to be respected and obeyed.

10. Securing and protecting our nation’s borders.

11. The sanctity of family life must be restored. Too many are living like heathen and in total immorality. Marriage is between one man and one woman for life. I heard recently of a marriage that lasted for 70 days and one that lasted for 70 years. There is a big difference. One will destroy our nation and the longer one will strengthen it.

12. The United States, beginning with every individual, community, county and state, must experience a genuine spiritual revival or we are finished as a nation. Like an old house that caves in and is torn down because its foundation crumbled and its roof offered no protection. It just collapses with rot to its core.

2012 will be a decisive year. Our nation is filled with unqualified politicians from the top to the bottom and from the bottom to the top. Like the “wheat and the tares”, they exist and grow together in the same field. Read about it in Matthew 13:26 of the New Testament. The good and the bad together. If we are not careful, evil and unqualified leaders will lead us to destruction. 

The greatest of all teachers said, “And if the blind leads the blind, both will fall in the ditch” (Matthew 15:14). We have too many blind leaders and too many blinded followers.

JeanBaptiste Racine is credited with asking, “That faith that does not act, is it truly faith?” We have heard that, “Faith never stands around with its hands in its pockets.”

Decisions are made in community and church meetings by the showing of hands, some by a voice vote, but the most important ones are made at the ballot box. Some have already been in office too long. For a Happy New Year we need to dismiss a trainload of unqualified people who are riding just for pleasure at the expense of hard working and patriotic people who love our nation and respect its Constitution and legacy. This is the year to make a lot of things right.

Bill Ellis is a syndicated columnist, and convention and conference speaker on every continent. He is the writer of more than 2,000 newspaper and magazine columns, articles and contributions to books. He is also a widely known motivational speaker and pulpit guest who utilizes enjoyment of life and just plain fun and laughter while speaking to high school, university and professional sports teams as well as to business and professional groups of all kinds. His keen understanding of human problems makes him a favorite speaker for youth, parent, and senior adult meetings. He is accompanied by Kitty, his wife, favorite singer, editor and publisher.

For information on becoming a subscriber to the Ellis Column for your newspaper or magazine, you may contact him at: BILL ELLIS, P.O.Box 345, Scott Depot, WV 25560 or by calling: 304-757-6089.

** You may republish this story with proper attribution.

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