Friday, January 6, 2012

Boehner Primary Challenger, David Lewis, Certified for Republican Ballot -- Super Bowl TV Ads Being Prepared

WEST CHESTER, Ohio, Jan. 5, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Butler County Board of Elections has verified that Boehner primary challenger, David Lewis, will appear on the Republican Ballot on March 6, 2012. 

Mr. Lewis states:

    "Mr. Boehner is a Washington insider who is the epitome of the establishment. I am a Tea Party candidate who stands for life, liberty, and justice under God. Voters in Ohio's Eighth District will have an opportunity to vote their conscience in March.

    "Mr. Boehner has had multiple opportunities to defund Planned Parenthood since he has become Speaker of the House. Sadly, Mr. Boehner has shown that he will compromise even if innocent lives are at stake. I will never compromise on any bill that gives money to child-killers. As a member of the U.S. House of Representatives I would work to make it a criminal act to kill a baby from conception until birth."
David Lewis has stated in the past that he is challenging John Boehner because Boehner repeatedly supports legislation that funds Planned Parenthood. Recent evidence has proven that Planned Parenthood is a criminal syndicate that covers up the crimes of child molestation and sex trafficking. Worse yet, PP is responsible for the murder of over 200,000 unborn human beings every year. 

Mr. Lewis will be running ads during this primary season -- including on Super Bowl Sunday -- showing the mutilated remains of aborted babies. Because of FEC and FCC regulations, television stations with an FCC license are required to run the TV commercials of federal candidates 45 days before a primary.

Mr. Lewis states:
    "Unborn babies deserve a voice, that is why I fully intend to run a local ad during the Super Bowl showing dead babies that have been murdered by abortion. It is time for Americans to come face-to-face with the abortion holocaust."
The types of ads that Mr. Lewis will be airing can be seen on his website at

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