Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Reality of Some TV Messages is Truly Alarming

Tomeo castigates MTV programs using women to vilify women
Scene from MTV's Jersey Shore
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 12, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- On the heels of a study from the Girl Scouts that found "reality TV" shows promote bad behavior among girls ages 11-17, the Parents Television Council (PTC) has released a study showing how negative some of these shows' messages have become.
"This alarming study released by the Parents TV Council comes on the heels of another eye-opening report from the Girl Scouts," said bestselling author and syndicated radio host Teresa Tomeo. "Both studies raise important issues about the impact Reality TV is having on girls and women. It's sad to say these studies show how women of all ages can be our own worst enemies when it comes to the objectification and over-sexualization of our gender."
On Dec. 7, the PTC released its report "Reality on MTV: Gender Portrayals on Reality TV." The study reviewed content of four of the cable channel's most popular programs – "Jersey Shore," "Real World," "Teen Mom 2" and "16 and Pregnant." One of the most startling findings is that only 24 percent of what females said about themselves was positive across all shows combined.
The study also reported that females in these shows talked about sex acts more than males, talked about sex more graphically than males and mentioned sexual body parts more than males.
"Many of the same shows were examined for both studies, including 'Jersey Shore,'" Tomeo noted. "According to the PTC report, females on these programs are not helping promote positive views of women; they are impacting already sensitive self-esteem issues. This is the best we can do after decades of trying to improve the image of women and pursue equality? What a sad reflection of how far we haven't come; and what a statement on the current condition of our culture."
In her new book EXTREME MAKEOVER, available now from Ignatius Press, Tomeo talks about ways that women, children and families can make an "extreme media makeover" to rid themselves of the toxic messages and images that bombard them daily, and instead embrace the truth about themselves and their dignity.

1 comment:

  1. I stopped watching MTV when they adopted the "all reality" format in the 90's. Frankly, I have never understood the attraction of Reality Television.
